Accessibility of the Professors
I came to Business School quite bright eyed, looking to switch careers. What sold me on Goizueta was the ability to create your own path. One can lay his/her own foundation as well as a unique legacy.
We have very career-focused clubs here at Goizueta and it was to my dismay back in September to learn that the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Club had been previously dissolved. A result of a subtle, yet impacting uprising and the hard work of many individuals, the EVCC has now been rechartered. A critical goal of EVCC v2.0 is to sustain the goals and activities over a longer period than just the 2 years us full timers are around.
One of our initial tasks was to loop in our professors who teach the classes germane to our club and who can take a vested interest in our activities and career goals. We were able to schedule a dinner with the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital professors on campus and created a strong atmosphere for our club to thrive. The professors were generous with their time resulting in interaction with our students for approximately 3 hours. We achieved many goals from this dinner, but the key being a strong rapport with our professors.
Goizueta professors are as busy as expected, often teaching day and night classes, some working on external activities. However, they are pleased to spend time with students in various capacities - professional advising, answering questions about classroom material or even non-business school related banter. If students put in the time, the professors are willing to match that amount of time to guide us. It is comforting that we have this support structure and knowledge base at our disposal.
Vivek Bhatia
MBA 08
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